
Henrik Palmberg

Hej! I'm Henrik Palmberg, a photographer from Älmhult, Sweden, with years of experience in capturing the essence of people, places, and things. From local businesses to international companies, I thrive on understanding your image needs and creating standout visuals. Let´s work together!

What I like about photography is the way it can combine art and commerce. I believe photography is fantastic when telling stories about people, places, things etc. To have a clear idea of what is going to be communicated and using my creativity, experience and skills is what triggers me to make images that stand out. When I do commissioned work I love to be one in a team of creatives and that’s usually the way I work. Together with the client, stylists and art directors etc I’m part of creating the total communication.


I also work with personal art projects and been part of different exhibitions during the years. The last example is Sydosten 2022 at Kalmar Art Museum. Where a jury selected work sent in by artists connected to the southeast part of Sweden. I’m working on a project which I intend to publish as a photo book in the future. Locally I’ve been part of Konsthändelse på Yttre Vång a few times.

I have a studio in Älmhult together with film maker Tobias Starck and designer Ola Whilborg. We call it Studiokontoret and you find it at Skånevägen 16. Welcome by for a chat and a cup of coffee if you would like to meet.

Skånevägen 16(studio), Göingegatan 7(mail), 343 34 Älmhult, Sweden

+46 70 859 72 74

by appointment